The project
BUTTERFLY – Biomass Utilized To The Extended portfolio of Renewable Fuels with Large Yields is an Horizon Europe Innovation Action project that aims to develop an innovative and flexible co-production of renewable & recycled carbon DiMethyl Ether (rDME) and Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from waste and residual feedstocks, targeting the off-grid energy supply, the steel industry and heavy transportation
BUTTERFLY process starts from the testing and validation at TRL7 of three complete value chains from different waste and residual feedstock: lignocellulosic biomass, industrial waste and upgraded wet organic residues.
- Black pellets: produced from wet organic residues
- RDF: Refuese-Derived Fuel
- ASR: Automotive Shredder Residue
The validated feedstocks will be converted into flue gas and syngas through indirect gasification, while the SEDMES process will produce DME and methanation will deliver SNG.